About me
I am a Research Officer with the Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) group of the Construction Research Center at the National Research Council Canada (NRCC) in Ottawa. My research is centred on enhancing building resilience against climate change, in line with the Climate Resilient Built Environment (CRBE) initiative at NRCC. Specifically, I focus on energy-efficient and carbon-neutral solutions to alleviate the repercussions of heatwaves and wildfire smoke on indoor environment quality (IEQ) and occupant health. Furthermore, my endeavours also span to regulate indoor airborne transmission and enhance protection against respiratory infections, especially in the context of COVID-19 and the COVID-19, Ventilation for Control of Respiratory Infections, and Healthy Built Environment initiative at NRCC. Passionate about innovation, I actively seek collaborations with industry stakeholders, universities, and research institutions to unearth and implement pioneering technologies that address both the pressing and potential environmental challenges our buildings face today and in the future.
I earned my Ph.D. in Building Engineering from Concordia University, Montreal, and was privileged to be part of the Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies (CZEBS). During my doctoral studies, I also joined the Facade System and Products (FSP) group of NRCC, supporting projects under the Climate-Resilient Buildings and Core Public Infrastructure initiative.
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- We are excited to announce the launch of our 5-year project titled "Retrofits to Improve Resilience of Residential Buildings to Overheating Stress and Wildfire Smoke Exposure". This project is supported by the Resilient Residential Retrofit (R^3) theme within the Climate Resilient Built Environment (CRBE) initiative at NRCC. We are seeking for collaborations and competent students to join our team. Link>>
- I instructed a workshop of the CONTAM, the most well-known building multizone simulation program, for the eSim 2022 conference, Ottawa, ON, June 21st - 24th held by Carleton University. A word cloud was generated by the keywords in 482 papers found and reviewed in the field with their sizes weighted by frequencies.
- Our new study to investigate how heatwave events may affect the local climate and alternate the urban heat island effect has been published on journal Science of The Total Environment. Link>>, Link>>
- To investigate the indoor viral transmission, we have launched experimental studies using thermal breathing manikins, air/particle/bioaerosol sampling and flow visualization techniques, e.g. Particle image velocimetry (PIV), Schlieren imaging, Backlight/Dark-field imaging, Shadowgraph, and Smoke Visualization. Some preliminary PIV results are shown here:
Below is a demonstration of the particle movement captured by high-speed camera. (The quality of video has been compressed.)
- Prof. Tao Zhang, Prof. Jianxiao Wang, Prof. Yongzhen Wang, Prof. Shuang Li, and I launched a new Special Issue "Key Technologies of Sustainable Energy System Management: Opportunities and Challenges" on the peer-reviewed open-source journal Frontiers in Energy Research (Impact Factor: 3.858).
- Prof. Zhiyong Tian and I launched a new Special Issue "Climate Change and Building Energy Efficiency" on the peer-reviewed open-source journal Buildings (Impact Factor: 3.324).
- As part of the Bioaerosol Testing Facility Team, we won the FRL Excellence Award at NRCC.
- AMCA COVID White Paper on Unducted Fans: Air curtains, ceiling and circulating fans. Link>>, Link>>
- Summertime building overheating assessment and mitigation during heatwaves. Link>>, Link>>, Link>>, Link>>
- Weather data generation using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF). Link>>, Link>>, Link>>
- Statistical downscaling of high-resolution climate data for Canadian Cities. Link>>
- Air curtain design and operation optimization. Link>>, Link>>, Link>>
- Sub-scale modelling and Re-independent theory of urban aerodynamics. Link>>, Link>>
- Airflow management of indoor growing farms. Link>>
- Energy efficiency and ventilation system optimisation of a road tunnel. Link>>, Link>>
- On the course BLDG 6651-Fire and Smoke Control in Buildings, I made some animations/movies of the spread of smoke and evacuations in an educational building using Pyrosim & Pathfinder.
- During my master's study, I have been involved in multiple CFD-related projects. Here is a demonstration of the airflow around buildings in an urban community for part of my first project.
- Sep. 2017-Dec. 2021, Ph.D. in Building Engineering.
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Sep. 2014-Apr. 2017, M.Sc. in Engineering Thermophysics.
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
- Sep. 2009-Jun. 2013, B.E. in Built Environment and Facility Engineering.
Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
Work Experience
- Apr. 2024-Present, Research Officer - Climate Resilient Indoor Environment.
Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) group, National Research Council Canada (NRCC),
Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- Mar. 2022-Mar. 2024, Research Associate.
Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) group, National Research Council Canada (NRCC),
Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- May. 2021-Mar. 2022, Volunteer Worker.
Integrated Building Performance (IBP) group, National Research Council Canada (NRCC),
Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- Oct. 2019-Aug. 2021, Student Employee.
Facade System and Products (FSP) group, National Research Council Canada (NRCC),
Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- May. 2019-Aug. 2020, Part-time Research Assistant.
Meteorological Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC),
Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Sep. 2017-Present, Research Assistant.
Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies (CZEBS), Concordia University,
Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Sep. 2014-Aug. 2017, Research Assistant.
Efficient and Clean Energy Group, Tongji University,
Shanghai, China.
Professional Interests/Activities
- Indoor air quality (IAQ) and viral aerosol transmission.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in buildings and urban environment.
- Flow visualization techniques in buildings and urban environment.
- Pollutant transmission in buildings and urban environment.
- Climate change impacts on buildings and energy systems.
- Climate and weather data generation for building studies.
- Microclimate simulation and urban climate.
- Sub-scale modeling (in wind tunnel/chamber) and similarity theories.
- Machine learning application in building and energy.
- Building thermal airflow management.
- Thermal comfort of indoor environment.
Teaching Experience
- Jan. 2021-Apr. 2021, Teaching Assistant.
CIVI 6601 Modeling in Building and Environmental Engineering.
Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Sep. 2020-Dec. 2020, Teaching Assistant.
BLDG 6651 Fire and Smoke Control in Buildings.
Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Sep. 2018-Dec. 2018, Teaching Assistant.
CIVI 6601 Modeling in Building and Environmental Engineering.
Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Mar. 2016-Jun. 2016, Teaching Assistant.
Engineering Thermodynamics.
Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R. China.
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michael Lacasse, "Evolution of the local climate in Montreal and Ottawa before, during and after a heatwave and the effects on urban heat islands" Science of The Total Environment, (2023): 164497. Access>>
- Jiwei Zou, Henry Lu, Chang Shu, Lili Ji, Abhishek Gaur, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Multiscale numerical assessment of urban overheating under climate projections: A review" Urban Climate, (2023): 101551. Access>>
- Senwen Yang, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Paul Raftery, Michael Ivanovich, Christian Taber, William P. Bahnfleth, Pawel Wargocki, Jovan Pantelic, Jiwei Zou, Mohammad Mortezazadeh Chang Shu, Runzhong Wang, Scott Arnold, "Comparing airborne infectious aerosol exposures in sparsely occupied large spaces utilizing large-diameter ceiling fans" Building and Environment, (2023): 110022. Access>>
- Abdelaziz Laouadi, Lili Ji, Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michael Lacasse, "Overheating Risk Analysis in Long-Term Care Homes—Development of Overheating Limit Criteria" Buildings, 13.2 (2023): 390. Access>>
- Lili Ji, Chang Shu, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Quantifying improvement of building and zone level thermal resilience by cooling retrofits against summertime heat events" Building and Environment, (2022): 109914. Access>>
- Saeed Rayegan, Chang Shu, Justin Berquist, Jisoo Jeon, Liang (Grace) Zhou, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Hamza Mbareche, Patrique Tardif, Hua Ge, "A Review on Indoor Airborne Transmission of COVID-19– Modelling and Mitigation Approaches" Journal of Building Engineering, Available online 26 November 2022, 105599. Access>>
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michal Bartko, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Lili Ji, Michael Lacasse, "Added value of convection permitting climate modelling in urban overheating assessments " Building and Environment, Available online 5 October 2021, 108415. Access>>
- Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Evaluating Approaches of Selecting Extreme Hot Years for Assessing Building Overheating Conditions during Heatwaves" Energy and Buildings, (2021): 111610. Access>>
- Dahai Qi, Senwen Yang, Chang Shu, Xin Zhang, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Andreas Athienitis, "An exploratory study on road tunnel with semi-transparent photovoltaic canopy—From energy saving and fire safety perspectives " Building Simulation, 16 September 2021. Access>>
- Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michael Lacasse, "Evaluation and improvement of the thermoregulatory system for the two-node bioheat model" Energy and Buildings, 15 October 2021, 111235. Access>>
- Abhishek Gaur, Michael Lacasse, Marianne Margaret Armstrong, Henry Lu, Chang Shu, Allan Fields, Francisco Salamanca Palou, Yujia Zhang, "Effects of using different urban parametrization schemes and land-cover datasets on the accuracy of WRF model over the City of Ottawa" Urban Climate, 35 (2020): 100737. Access>>
- Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Mohammad Mortezazadeh, "Dimensional analysis of Reynolds independence and regional critical Reynolds numbers for urban aerodynamics." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 203 (2020): 104232. Access>>
- Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Cheng Zhang, Dahai Qi, "Air Curtain effectiveness rating based on aerodynamics." Building and Environment, 169 (2020): 106582. Access>>
- Cheng Zhang, Senwen Yang, Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Ted Stathopoulos, "Wind pressure coefficients for buildings with air curtains." Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 205 (2020): 104265. Access>>
- Di Mu, Chang Shu, Naiping Gao, Tong Zhu, "Wind tunnel tests of inter-flat pollutant transmission characteristics in a rectangular multi-storey residential building, part B: Effect of source location." Building and Environment, 114 (2017): 281-292. Access>>
- Qiaoxia Yang, Meng Liu, Chang Shu, Daniel Mmereki, Md. Uzzal Hossain, Xiang Zhan, "Impact analysis of Window-wall Ratio on heating and cooling energy consumption of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone in China." Journal of Engineering, 2015 (2015). Access>>
- Liang (Grace) Zhou, Chang Shu, Justin Berquist, Greg Nilsson, Janet Gaskin, "Impact and benefits of the air cleaning measures implemented in two schools" 43rd AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre) conference "Ventilation, IEQ, and health in sustainable buildings", Copenhagen, Denmark, October 04-05, 2023
- Senwen Yang, Dongxue Zhan, Jiwei Zou, Chang Shu, Ted Stathopoulos, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Prediction of the impact of Urban Environment on Building Energy by Artificial Neural Network" 13th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2023), Beijing, China, November 14-16, 2023
- Sepehrdad Tahmasebi, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Chang Shu, Senwen Yang, "AMCA COVID Guidance for UNDUCTED Fans - Air Curtains" 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2023), Tokyo, Japan, May 20-23, 2023
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Interaction between the Urban Heat Island effect and the occurrence of Heatwaves: Comparison of Days with and without Heatwaves" 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), Montreal, Canada, July 25-29, 2022
- Chang Shu, Zihan Xie, Lili Ji, Daniel Baril, Lin Wang, Xuechen Bai, Senwen Yang, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu, Michael Lacasse, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Abhishek Gaur, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Comparing Multiple Overheating Assessment Metrics Using Measured Data" 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), Montreal, Canada, July 25-29, 2022
- Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Smoke Spreading Simulation of a High-rise Office building based on Evacuation Analysis" 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), Montreal, Canada, July 25-29, 2022
- Lili Ji, Chang Shu, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Quantification of building thermal resilience against heatwaves" 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), Montreal, Canada, July 25-29, 2022
- Lili Ji, Chang Shu, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Abhishek Gaur, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Evaluation and mapping indoor thermal risk of older people residing in long-term care (LTC) buildings to local weather conditions" 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), Montreal, Canada, July 25-29, 2022
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michal Bartko, Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Michael Lacasse, "Impact of Spatial Distributions of Climate Condition on Building Overheating" REHVA 14th HVAC World Congress (CLIMA 2022), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 22-25, 2022
- Lili Ji, Chang Shu, Danlin Hou, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michael Lacasse, "Predicting indoor air temperatures by calibrating building thermal model with coupled airflow networks" REHVA 14th HVAC World Congress (CLIMA 2022), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 22-25, 2022
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Future projected urban heat island patterns using the Synthesized Representative Urban Effect Preserved (SYRUP) climate dataset" 3rd International Conference on New Horizons in Green Civil Engineering (NHICE-03), Victoria, BC, Canada, April 24-26, 2022
- Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Chang Shu, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Quantifying building thermal resilience to summertime heatwaves" 3rd International Conference on New Horizons in Green Civil Engineering (NHICE-03), Victoria, BC, Canada, April 24-26, 2022
- Lili Ji, Chang Shu, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michael Lacasse, "Predicting the thermal sensation of older people by integrating a physiological model with a data-driven method" Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches (IAQ 2020), Athens, Greece, September 13-15, 2021
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Michal Bartko, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Lili Ji, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Importance of Microscale Climate Simulations in City Scale Overheating Assessments" 8th International Building Physics Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-27, 2021
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Analysis of multiple building overheating assessment metrics for long-term indoor thermal patterns in 12 Canadian cities under climate change" Building Simulation 2021 Conference, Bruges, Belgium, September 1-3, 2021
- Zihan Xie, Chang Shu, Ben Zegen Reich, Lin Wang, Daniel Brail, Lili Ji, Senwen Yang, Xuechen Bai, Radu Zmeureanu, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Hua Ge, "A field study on summertime overheating of six schools in Montreal Canada" 8th International Building Physics Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-27, 2021
- Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Chang Shu, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Physiological modeling of thermal responses of the elderly under heat-stressful conditions" Building Simulation 2021 Conference, Bruges, Belgium, September 1-3, 2021
- Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Evaluation and improvement of two-node bioheat model for young subjects" 8th International Building Physics Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-27, 2021
- Danlin Hou, Chang Shu, Lili Ji, Ibrahim Galal Hassan, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Bayesian Calibrating Educational Building Thermal Models to Hourly Indoor Air Temperature: Methodology and Case Study" ASME 2021 Verification and Validation Symposium (VVS2021), Virtual, Online, May 19–20, 2021
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Michael Lacasse, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Building indoor overheating and impact of local extreme heat conditions" 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (Indoor Air 2020), Seoul, Korea, November 1-3, 2020
- Lili Ji, Abdelaziz Laouadi, Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Michael Lacasse, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "A systematic evaluation of indoor overheating interactions with outdoor heat conditions" 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (Indoor Air 2020), Seoul, Korea, November 1-3, 2020
- Chang Shu, Lili Ji, Lin Wang, Xuechen Bai, Michael Lacasse, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Field survey on indoor overheating in school and hospital buildings in Montréal." 2nd International Conference on New Horizons in Green Civil Engineering (NHICE-02), Victoria, BC, Canada, August 24–26, 2020. Access>>
- Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Chang Shu, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu, Michael Lacasse, Sylvie Leroyer, Stephane Belair, Lili Ji, Xuechen Bai, Lin Wang, Mohammad Dorostkar, Ali Katal, "Assessment of summertime overheating conditions in vulnerable buildings in Montréal." 2nd International Conference on New Horizons in Green Civil Engineering (NHICE-02), Victoria, BC, Canada, August 24–26, 2020. Access>>
- Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Revisiting Reynolds independent phenomenon by dimensionless CFD analysis of urban and built environment airflows." 11th International Symposium on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditions (ISHVAC 2019), Harbin, China, July 12-15, 2019.
- Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Chang Shu, "Dimensionless CFD analysis of Reynolds independence and similarity in urban and buit environment airflows." 2019 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Kansas, United States of American, June. 24-25, 2019.
- Chang Shu, Cheng Zhang, Dahai Qi, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, "Novel method relating air curtain aerodynamic performance to its efectiveness." 4th Asian Conference of International Buiding Performance Simulation Association (ASIM 2018), Hong Kong, China, December 3-5, 2018.
- Chang Shu, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Andreas Athienitis, "Deep learing of a real road tunnel energy demand using recurrent neural networks." 4th Asian Conference of International Buiding Performance Simulation Association (ASIM 2018), Hong Kong, China, December 3-5, 2018.
- Chang Shu, Cheng Wang, Jifu Xu, Naiping Gao, "Microclimate modelling of typical land use units with different arrrangements: a case study in Langfang." 8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ACRA 2016), Taipei, Taiwan, China, May 15-17, 2016.
- Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Chang Shu, "Chapter 2: Assessment of the Effect of Urban Heat Island on Buildings." In: Enteria N., Santamouris M., Eicker U. (eds) Urban Heat Island (UHI) Mitigation. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. Springer (2021), Singapore, Spinger. Access>>
Conference Presentations
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michael Lacasse, "Modeling Outdoor and Indoor Overheating Conditions during an Extreme Overheating Event in the Ottawa–Montreal Region" 101st AMS (American Meteorological Society) Annual Meeting, Virtual, January 10-15, 2021. Access>>
- Chang Shu, Abhishek Gaur, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Michael Lacasse, "Statistical–dynamical High-Resolution Modeling of the Ottawa–Montreal Regional Climate" 101st AMS (American Meteorological Society) Annual Meeting, Virtual, January 10-15, 2021. Access>>
- Retrofits to Improve Resilience of Residential Buildings to Overheating Stress and Wildfire Smoke Exposure
Apr. 2023-Present, Principal Investigator.
Funding: Climate Resilient Building Environment (CRBE) Initiative at NRCC.
- Measuring Contaminat Emissions from Artificial Indoor Sports Turf
Apr. 2023-Present, Project Manager.
Funding: Health Canada
- Review of Design and Operation of Inflatable Sports Domes
Apr. 2022-Apr. 2023, Project Manager.
Funding: Health Canada
- Assessment and Mitigation of Summertime Overheating Conditions in Vulnerable Buildings of Urban Agglomerations
Apr. 2019-Apr. 2023, Team Leader.
Supervisors: Prof. Liangzhu (Leon) Wang (PI), Prof. Hua Ge (Co-PI), Prof. Radu Zmeureanu (Co-PI).
Funding: The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
- Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) COVID White Paper on Un-ducted Fans (including air curtains, ceiling and circulating fans)
Dec. 2020-Feb. 2021, Research Assistant.
Supervisors: Prof. Liangzhu (Leon) Wang.
Funding: The Air Management and Control Association (AMCA).
- Estimating and Mitigating SARS-CoV-2 Exposure Risk in Mechanically Ventilated Spaces
Jan. 2021-Mar. 2021, Research Assistant.
Supervisors: Prof. Liangzhu (Leon) Wang.
Funding: The Carrier Global.
- Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) Project on Air Curtain Energy Performance and ASHRAE Standards 90.1
Nov. 2017-Nov. 2018, Team Leader.
Supervisors: Prof. Liangzhu (Leon) Wang.
Funding: The Air Management and Control Association (AMCA), the Berner International, the Mars Air Systems, the Powered Aire, and the Hickman Group.
- Energy Efficiency and Deicing of The Road Tunnel in Montreal
Feb. 2018-Aug. 2018, Research Assistant.
Supervisors: Prof. Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Prof. Andreas Athienitis (PI).
Funding: Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l'Électrification des transports.
- Airflow and Thermal Management in a Growing System for Quality Food Crop Production
Sep. 2017-Feb. 2018, Team Leader.
Supervisors: Prof. Liangzhu (Leon) Wang.
Funding: NutraPonics Canada Corporation, The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
- Study on the Vertical Pollutant Inter-flat Transmission Mechanism of High-rise Residential Buildings
Nov. 2014-Jun. 2017, Research Assistant.
Supervisors: Prof. Naiping Gao (PI).
Funding: The National Science Foundation of China.
- Urban Microclimate Study Based on Urban Planning Land Function Units
Nov. 2014–Jan. 2016, Team Leader.
Supervisors: Prof. Naiping Gao.
Funding: ENN Group Co., Ltd.
- New Gas Cooktop with Drop-in Sheet Metal Burner Design
May. 2016-Jan. 2017, Team Leader.
Supervisors: Prof. Naiping Gao.
Funding: FOTILE Kitchen Ware Co., Ltd.
- Design and Optimize the Air Conditioning of the Passenger Compartments and Heat Exchange of Equipment Compartments on High-speed Train
Jan. 2015-Sep. 2015, Team Leader.
Supervisors: Prof. Naiping Gao.
Funding: CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd.
- Performance Evaluation on Sand Filters of High-speed Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) Based on Multiphase Flow Analysis
Dec. 2014-Jun. 2015, Team Leader.
Supervisors: Prof. Naiping Gao.
Funding: CSR Sifang Rolling Stock Co., Ltd.
- Unidirectional Airflow Design with Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) System in Ultra-large Area Clean Room
Jun. 2014-Dec. 2014, Research Assistant.
Supervisors: Prof. Naiping Gao.
Funding: Suzhou Purification Technology Co., Ltd.
© Copyright 2020-2023, Chang Shu.